Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My White Trash Hero

Thank you Charmed!!!! You have no idea what you just started.

"Just once. It was before Cd's. Don't Judge Me"

"Listen, now I know on the outside I look like a sweety sweetheart, but trust me on the inside, I'm 100% bitch. I even have a T-shirt that says it. Got it as a Mother's Day present."

"You'd be laughing if you could see how I spelled that in my head"

Now playing on iTunes: Ludacris - Slap
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

You are very welcome!!! Isn't she hilarious!!! SHE IS MY HERO!!!

me said...

Um, excuse me, but I do believe I brought up the whole Earl gang in general...hhmm?

I love Joy too. She's fabulous.

Infamous JP said...

@ kitten

Yes you did bring up the whole Earl / Joy gang and I will give you credit for that. Charmed however linked me to YouTube and the VAST JOYISMS

Dunnski Love said...

Cat fight! CAT FIGHT!!!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh! Dunnski would LOVE that! Two women rolling around, ripping at their clothes, pulling hair, name calling. Geeez...what is it with you guys?

Sally-Sal said...

Charmed, I'm sure we can settle this like adults.

How bout mud wrestling? ;)

me said...


Anonymous said...

I prefer chocolate pudding.

Infamous JP said...

Charmed, I think pudding is the way to go... And here's the deal... I get to lick the pudding off of the winner. and then the loser.

Anonymous said...

Favorite Joy quote...........

"What's wrong Randy? World run out of macaroni and cheese?"

Don't remember what episode that's from. But it makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Ummm...I am not sure Dunnski will be too fond of that deal. ;u)

Maybe you two you can "talk it out" in the left over pudding?

Dunnski Love said...

There are few things less hot than the phrase "leftover pudding".

Infamous JP said...

@ Nic,

I never knew exactly how many Joyisms there really were til recently.

@ Charmed,

Ok well then Dunnski can lick you all he wants.

@ Dunnski,

There are a few, but not many.