Friday, December 21, 2007


Note to self: Don't accidentally leave a link to your blog on your work computer.

I was busted today!

No it was not for something illegal.
I did not cheat on someone (have to be involved to do that).
I was not looking at porn at work.

This morning, while my boss was giving me some work to, he asked me a question.

"JP, Why do you have to have a second job? Don't we pay you enough?"
I turned a noticeable shade of red, as I had now been outed. Instead of lying about or asking how he knew, I just told, him
"That's my fun money. I don't want to waste my hard earned money on the fun things I do. Besides, I only work 4 hours a pop and it's only on the weekends"
Then he surprised me even more when he said.
"And I understand your California trip didn't go as smoothly as you wanted it to. So did you at least get the number to the guy from the car rental place"
He found my blog everyone. Apparently I had somehow left a link to it on my computer and someone found it.

I am so busted!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Last week I told Karma that she can stick it and guess what?

She took out on me!

Often in my life, I get really bold and think that I am on top of the world. Early last week, I had the wonderful feeling and that I had the balls to say FU to the world. After reading a blog, I made a comment that I was going to tell Karma to suck it in response to what they wrote. Instead of thinking with my head and being humble, I made a dumb comment and it came back to bite me. HARD!!

During my week at work I decided to make a judgement call on a project that was due out on Thursday. Unfortunately the judgement call was the wrong one and it cost my company a client (actually it was something that was building for a while, and my mistake was the last straw). I'm not talking a small client either, I'm talking a multi-million dollar client, that if we were to get the job done correctly, would of possibly lead to more contracts in the future.

Needless to say, the following morning, my bosses was NOT pleased with me whatsoever. I was honestly shocked that I was not told to pack my belongings and leave the office at that point.

After some heads had cooled and everyone looked at the bigger picture, it was determined that my mistake, while costly, was not a tremendous blow to the company. I would definitely need to make better decisions in the future and to also pay closer attention to the fine details. Trust me for the rest of the day, I made sure to dot my i's, cross my t's, and wipe every part of my ass. I was not missing anything.

That was just the start of the day.

Most of you also know that also have a secondary job as a pizza delivery driver. I call myself the Pizza Delivery Hero and am usually one of the them most praised drivers at the store. Karma really was going to make my day hell, and she decided to send me to the bottom of the heap. For the first time since I have worked there, I made a mistake. Not just one mistake, I ended up making a total of 4.

The first mistake was taking the wrong pizza on a delivery. That is the cardinal sin of the business, and I heard about it big time when I got back. Two times I was late, and the on one order, I forgot a final part of the order and had to come back to get it.

By the time 8pm rolled around, I felt thissmall and seriously needed a drink or two or seven. I opted for seven. I took 2 shot of Petron, 3 shots of Van Gogh vodka, and I 2 large glasses of Blue Moon. All on an empty stomach. So you can imagine I felt pretty crappy by the time my night was over.

So Karma I would like to say.... SUCK THIS. I'm still here Bitch!!

I just hope there is plenty of Petron the next time she attacks.

P.S. for those of you that are wondering.

  1. I did not drink while I was on the job. I drive for crying out loud. I'm stupid sometimes, but not that stupid.
  2. I did not drive home drunk either. I waited a couple of hours before walking to the parking lot and a friend walked to the car to determine if I was sober enough to drive. (I gave him my keys beforehand just in case)