Friday, December 21, 2007


Note to self: Don't accidentally leave a link to your blog on your work computer.

I was busted today!

No it was not for something illegal.
I did not cheat on someone (have to be involved to do that).
I was not looking at porn at work.

This morning, while my boss was giving me some work to, he asked me a question.

"JP, Why do you have to have a second job? Don't we pay you enough?"
I turned a noticeable shade of red, as I had now been outed. Instead of lying about or asking how he knew, I just told, him
"That's my fun money. I don't want to waste my hard earned money on the fun things I do. Besides, I only work 4 hours a pop and it's only on the weekends"
Then he surprised me even more when he said.
"And I understand your California trip didn't go as smoothly as you wanted it to. So did you at least get the number to the guy from the car rental place"
He found my blog everyone. Apparently I had somehow left a link to it on my computer and someone found it.

I am so busted!!!


Anonymous said...

HA! So, they now know about our love affair...Does that mean they are gonna look at me funny tonight? OOO, they know about your ex-wife's hair color! HA...That's funny!

Infamous JP said...

Well I'm pretty sure that they know about our love affair and my intentions to make you my next ex-wife (J/K BTW), but I don't think they know you are showing up at the party tonight (they will soon though). I also don't think they paid attention to my ex's hair.

Anonymous said...

Well, my suggestion is tell them now, so they can get all the funny looks out now and not tonight! =)

Oh and, we should use the side entrance, so the paparazi doesn't see us.

Infamous JP said...

Nah I think it'll be more exciting for them to find out at dinner. We can make out in front of them and show them what we got.

Unfortunately there is no side entrance, so we'll have to be seen. I don't mind though. I'll feel like a king having the most beautiful woman in the place on my arm.

Anonymous said...

Okay, if you say so...You are the mutha effing man!

Anonymous said...

Damn! did the snoop have to read back-posts though?

Oh Well!!!!!

Happy Holiday's anyway, cutie-pie!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Boy...when are you gonna make your move????? We are all waiting!!

The Ambiguous Blob said...

It's a good thing you don't talk shit about your boss!!!

Eric said...

JP: Don't worry about it. Do you know how many times girlfriends have found mine and went insane? It happens to me all the time. It kind of gives you a little excitement in your life. Be glad you do not talk about the things I

Ally said...

OMG I used to be sooo scared that would happen to me. I used to blog about my crazy ex-boss all the time, hopefully he never saw it. LOL