Wednesday, August 15, 2007

And the Worst Person in the World Award goes to...

Here is a real reason for permanent banishment from baseball.

So many people have been up in arms about steroids in sports. They are illegal, yes, and I am no way condoning the use of them in any sport. But what I think is worse than injecting something to bulk you up into your body is using a solid peace of equipment against someone that is defenseless.

Up until yesterday, I never thought it would ever be a problem.

Thank you Jose Offerman for turning yourself into a formerly respected Major League Baseball player to a villain. Thank you for being another sports figured turned to soon to be felon. I hope you get all that you deserve for what you did, and I am not a judgmental, vengeful person.

I hope that the next diamond you see, are the ones you are selling to pay off the civil lawsuit you are facing. I hope you realize that you should NEVER EVER participate in another baseball, softball, or any organized sport again.

What kind of man takes a bat to someone. Yes you got hit by a pitch, but that is part of the game. Ball players expect it from time to time. But NO ONE ever expects to see a player coming at them with a bat, much less getting that bat swung at them.

Good Bye Jose, it was nice knowing you. Good riddance.

Now playing on iTunes: Nickelback - Next Contestant
via FoxyTunes


Dunnski Love said...

Jose Awfulman was respected? Just kidding, he was a 2-time All Star, yada yada.

This really was a punk move, however. I read the comments of a fan on ESPN who said that Offerman got hit IN THE LEG. Not like the pitcher was head-hunting.

I saw him play in AAA in 2005 - he looked old then. For better or worse I think the decision to retire will be made for him shortly.

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gooddness! I didn't hear or read about this, cause I can't really follow baseball. Did he actually go through with it and hit the guy? Jebuz!

Anonymous said...

Ewww ! You have to approve my comment:)

Infamous JP said...


Not only did he hit someone, he hit both the pitcher and the catcher. The catcher got a concussion, and the pitcher's finger was broken.

Infamous JP said...

@ Nic,

Well only because for some reason, I keep attracting guys that are trying to advertise T-shirts or comments from people selling sh*t.

Dave J. said...

Terrible. I wonder what was going on in his life that would cause him to snap? I'm sure he's been hit by dozens of pitches during his career... why flip out now?

me said...

that's fucked up. talk a.b bad sportsmanship...

Anonymous said...

LOL! Oh.....
That's crazy. They shouldn't let him play anymore...EVER.
Who does he think he is? Like there haven't been a few people I wanted to hit with a bat at work. Gawd!!!

The Ambiguous Blob said...

Whoa- dud really has a temper, huh?