Friday, March 28, 2008

Please Pray, etc. etc.

I've stated many times that I try to keep my personal life out of my blog. I like to keep the private... well... private. Today, I found out something and I've been battling with in my head, thinking about a friend of mine and what they may possibly being going through.

What I am about to share is a something that I thought I would never have to deal with, even though I thought I would know how to react if it ever did happen. Today when it happened, I didn't have that reaction. Hell I don't even know how to react. I wish I did, but I am glad that I don't. If I knew to react, that would make me into a robot void of any emotions.

I am a little reluctant to post how I feel, but honestly, seeing a fellow blogger ask for prayers and good vibes for someone close to them, I can't help but do the same.

Today a personal friend of mine is hurting. She doesn't want to get out of bed feeling she may have chosen the wrong thing. You see, up until recently, she was pregnant. She was scared and excited about having a child, but was petrified about the pregnancy. She couldn't sleep and for her the pregnancy was one of constant pain. She has a pre-existing kidney condition and had been taking medication for that. Not long ago, the doctors told her that if she were to carry the pregnancy to full term, there was a strong possibility that either she or the baby would not survive. It scared her even more. She had determined that she had lived a good life and would carry the baby as long as she could.

Unfortunately there were too many people in her ears and they convinced her to have an abortion.

Everyone, I am not a very emotional person. I will laugh alot, but it's often very hard for me to cry. Today I cried.

Since the day of the abortion she told me that she has not left her bedroom and does not want to. She feels like a murderer and can't go 3 minutes crying about what happened.

I am asking everyone to please pray, send good vibes, whatever you can to my friend. She needs it.

And please, no negative comments. I don't care if you are pro-life, pro-choice, or "she's got to live with the consequences" type. Now is not the time to even go there.

Thank you everyone.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Play Ball!!!!

And I'm not talking about the baseball season coming up...

It's that time of year again. The time when a bunch of alcoholics drink a lot of balls and kick some beer. Or is it drink some balls and kick a lot of beer. Whatever it is, it's kickball season again and I have joined another team. While I am not too thrilled with the chosen shirt color (Heliconia Pink), I do like our team name: ALCOHOLICS UNANIMOUS. Tonight we are having a meet and greet and will practicing our flip cup / beer drinking skills... oh what fun this is going to be.

Stay tuned for weekly updates on the drunken stories of red balls, cold beer, and messy clothing. I may give you some game updates too.

Monday, March 24, 2008

GRRR! I thought I was going to be the first!!!

After my drunk dial escapade the other night, I was talking to GB about ways to prevent any more dd's in the future. And we came up with a cell phone breathalyser. Problem. Some Korean numnut beat me to it 2 years ago.

New Cell Can Tell If You're Drunk

It's main use was to prevent drunk driving, but when you get to the bottom of the article, it mentions that it'll even prevent making calls if necessary.


I talked to you for how long?

The cell phone is a very dangerous thing when I have been drinking.....

Yeah you heard me... dangerous. Just ask the 10 people I called after 2 am on Saturday morning.

I remember talking to 2 of the people. I am hazy on everything else. When I called to apologize to everyone, one person told me that I talked to them for 25 minutes and that I was one funny bastard.

I even called a couple co-workers. Yeah... let's just say, the next day at work was just a little awkward.

So note to everyone that I talk to... either change your number or don't give me your phone number, or one of these days, sometime after the 2 o'clock hour on a Saturday or Sunday morning, you'll be getting a phone call from a very drunken JP.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

March Madness

It's that time of year everyone, time for everyone that likes sports to take a stab at trying to say that they knew who the college basketball champs are going to be.

Fill out your brackets everyone and let's see how wrong we all are.

My kiss of death this year goes to Kansas. Let's hope I am wrong and I can win some cash.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I hope she gets a twitch....

and takes a bite....

The other day, I went out with a female friend of mine that I had known since my senior in high school. When Recon Man asked what I was up to. Here is the exchange that followed:

Me: I'm heading out with OHSF (Old High School Friend for the anagram challenged)
RM: You @#$% her yet.
Me: No, I told you before. We are friends, that is it, that is all it'll ever be.
RM: You need to get on that.
Me: No we are friends.
RM: When's the last time you got some?
Me: ___ ago.
RM: How much did she cost you?
Me: @#$% You!!
Me: I hope you get none tonight!
Me: I hope she is on her period tonight!
RM: She is, but I'll still some if you know what I mean.
Me: @#$% You!!
Me: I hope she gets a twitch and take a bite out of your @#$%!

Asshole!!! HAHA!!!

Friday, March 07, 2008

A text to brighten my day.

Sometimes the simple things make me happy.

After the day I have been having so far, I was either going to need some alcohol or some other stress relief to brighten my day.

I would like to thank a fellow blogger for sending me the following text message to achieve the needed results without me having to get trashed in the process:

Omg. A lady at the docs office just said "smile everybody-we're getting u thru as fast as we can!" give me 1 good reason why I should let her live

Said blogger shall remain anonymous to protect their identity, but thank you for the laugh. I know how hard it was for them not to kill me when I uttered the words "smile" to them before.

Will you stop interfering in my life?!

And let others do what they want.

For those of you that are unaware, I was once married. Because of that marriage, I "inherited" some in-laws. A mother in-law, a grandmother in-law, and even a sister in-law. After the marriage ended, I didn't have the in-laws anymore, but I still at least had a friendship with those same people, but am no longer related to them by marriage. I even had my sister in-law as one of my top friends on my Myspace page, because honestly we still talk.

This has been a sour point for my ex, however, and she has constantly pitched a fit about it.

This morning I got a myspace message from my ex sister in-law:

Hey I have to delete you from my friends list right now because T saw that I was on your top friends. So I'm going to do that, but don't worry I'll make my profile un-private. I just don't want to upset here because she feels so strongly about it.

I really don't get it. One of the issues that my ex had with me, was that the church I was attending at the time of our divorce, was very controlling and was invasive into our marriage. We weren't "allowed" to have friends outside of the church and we be "strongly encouraged" to dis-associate ourselves with people outside of unity of our congregation. And yet, she feels a need to get force someone to stop being friends with me. Sounds very hypocritical to me.

She keeps telling me that she wants to be friends, but when she interferes in my life, it makes it really hard to do that. I don't tell her who to talk to, be friends with or "add" to her Myspace page. Yet she will go to mine, and force her sister to delete me. Interesting.

Ok I'm off my soap-box. Any thoughts?

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Who am I effing?

Thanks to GB for introducing me to this... Watch them in order!!!


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

And you think that makes me want to work harder

My boss just said something to me that kind of ticks me off. I think he was trying to make me work harder, but it just made me look at him and say, "Well No Shit"!!

I try not in the habit of complaining openly about people I work for, but I sometimes find myself doing so. Today will be one of those days.

This morning, he comes in, hands me some work, and this is our conversation:

"I need this in exactly one hour".

After looking at what he hands me "I can do it, but it'll won't be quite the quality of work you are used to."

"I don't care, just get it done"

So I go back to my desk and start working on it. I'm going fast and furious and flying getting the work done. 55 minutes later, I walk into his office, hand him the work and then he proceeds to add more shit to the project and then tells me he needs it done PRONTO. I go, take care of it, give it back to it and he's off to a meeting to show off the work that was just done. I breathe a sigh of relief and go back to the umpteen million other things that I need to get done.

After the meeting, he comes back and calls me into his office. I'm expecting more markups and to be told, "Ok now make it look right." HA only in my dreams. This is what I got:
"JP, this looks like CRAP! My daughter could of done this, and she's only 8"

"Well no shit. I told you it would. You can't give me an hour to do 3 hours of work
and expect it to look right"

If I didn't love my job, sometimes I swear I just up and quit.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

my "FIRST" tattoo

Tattoo #2. I don't have much time to explain right now, but I will don't you worry.