Monday, March 24, 2008

GRRR! I thought I was going to be the first!!!

After my drunk dial escapade the other night, I was talking to GB about ways to prevent any more dd's in the future. And we came up with a cell phone breathalyser. Problem. Some Korean numnut beat me to it 2 years ago.

New Cell Can Tell If You're Drunk

It's main use was to prevent drunk driving, but when you get to the bottom of the article, it mentions that it'll even prevent making calls if necessary.



Ginormous Boobs said...

We could have been rich. We could have bought our own chain of strip clubs and adult stores.

We could have had a lifetime supply of menaze.


We weren't first this time!!!

The Ambiguous Blob said...

guess you need to buy that cell right away- make sure it can block picture messages as well.

Steph said...

Oh bugger! Can you invent one that stops drunk texting then?

PinkPiddyPaws said...

and take away all the great stories that come out of Drunk Dialing (and drunk texting).. oh come on!

Better yet.. I love Drunk Blogging! Now that's a real riot. :)

scarlett said...

You are so funny and this is true. I had a female friend who was drunk and she did call me. Of course she forgot what she said to me. Come to think of I forgot too..
Nice blog! :)