Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Play Ball!!!!

And I'm not talking about the baseball season coming up...

It's that time of year again. The time when a bunch of alcoholics drink a lot of balls and kick some beer. Or is it drink some balls and kick a lot of beer. Whatever it is, it's kickball season again and I have joined another team. While I am not too thrilled with the chosen shirt color (Heliconia Pink), I do like our team name: ALCOHOLICS UNANIMOUS. Tonight we are having a meet and greet and will practicing our flip cup / beer drinking skills... oh what fun this is going to be.

Stay tuned for weekly updates on the drunken stories of red balls, cold beer, and messy clothing. I may give you some game updates too.


Ginormous Boobs said...

A heliconia pink shirt is one step up from a baby doll tee - glad to see you are making progress.

You still owe me a flip cup lesson, btw.

Please call after you practice your drinking skills this evening. I'll record it this time in case you don't remember.

The Ambiguous Blob said...

Break a leg- just make sure it's someone else's.