Friday, March 07, 2008

A text to brighten my day.

Sometimes the simple things make me happy.

After the day I have been having so far, I was either going to need some alcohol or some other stress relief to brighten my day.

I would like to thank a fellow blogger for sending me the following text message to achieve the needed results without me having to get trashed in the process:

Omg. A lady at the docs office just said "smile everybody-we're getting u thru as fast as we can!" give me 1 good reason why I should let her live

Said blogger shall remain anonymous to protect their identity, but thank you for the laugh. I know how hard it was for them not to kill me when I uttered the words "smile" to them before.


Tabbie. Like Cabbie, with a T. said...

Awww... A little text saves the day. I'm pretty sure that the anonymous blogger was just as happy with the response as you were with the original text.
Smile- it's a beautiful day!

Ginormous Boobs said...

Kill her! Kill her!

Anonymous said...

Yeah that's worse then the people who pass me and say "Happy - Monday!!!!!" in that high pitched sing-songy voice. Hope you're doin better kid.

Anonymous said...

It has officially been 11 days since you received the text message. No text message is THAT good that it brings one joy for 11 days.

Come on, now, write and tell us all what you're doing. . .

The Ambiguous Blob said...

catherinette, sometimes text messages are really just that good. However, JP should write another post because this one is old news.