Thursday, November 29, 2007

White Trash Award of the Week

This one is an honorary award really, but I think she also deserves it.

This weeks winner is not a normal entry. She has done nothing really crazy to win the award. She hasn't slept with every guy in her trailer park (at least not that I know of). She hasn't let her children stain her furniture with poop (read 8 "paragraph's down). She hasn't had a drugged-drunken episode where she's had sex in the lawn i.e. Christina Ricci in Black Snake Moan. Hell she didn't throw herself at me when I stayed on her comfortable couch when I was on vacation in August.

So why does she deserve the award you ask?

It was for one simple reason.... She used the word "RAD" twice in one week. I have not heard that word since my middle school days (and that was a long time ago). I didn't think anyone used it, but apparently she is still stuck in the late 80's on this one.

So, TABBIE, aka The Ambiguous Blob, aka (insert real name here), you are this week's White Trash Award Winner. Cherish it, love it, take care of it, and don't take it for granted. I know how much you really wanted it.

Now playing: Wisin & Yandel & John Correa - Como Tu No Hay Nadie
via FoxyTunes


Steph said...

I've been white trash my whole life and no fecker has ever given me an award!! :P

Anonymous said...

hahah, I LOVE that girl! actually I had a write-up on the word RAD in my blog months back and Ambiguous commented that she used RAD all the time :)

The Ambiguous Blob said...

You make me so happy!!!
I'm going to have to think up an award for you now. Maybe the raddest couch surfer ever award.
Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Tab!

Gaby Hess said...

Oh how exciting! Will you be sending her a rusty tiara too?

Infamous JP said...

Steph: Well now that I know that you have thrown your hat into the ring, I may bestow the weekly award to you in the future.

Betty: DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT ENCOURAGE HER. I'm trying to break her of that habit.

TAB: You are welcome! I'll be paying close attention.. VERY CLOSE! (mental note: That does not mean staring at her cleavage. DAMNIT!)

Catherinette: Actually, yes. Actually it'll be one of those plastic hand me downs they sell at toy stores.

The Ambiguous Blob said...

You can't make me stop!!!
And where's my g.d. tiara???

Infamous JP said...

TAB: It's sitting right here next to me. I am waiting for your next White Trash Moment to officially crown you. I sure hope it's soon though. My roommate is starting to wonder why I have a tiara. I keep telling him it's for you, but he still has his doubts.