Tuesday, November 13, 2007


So, um Rachel, um DJ knows Ben...?

Last night, I went on a ice cream "date" with one of my old friends from church. We chit-chatted about life, love, and hurts for a little bit. Wasn't very long and it was just meant to be two friends hanging out.

After enjoying the ice cream and getting back to the house, we are talking in the front yard and pretty much saying our goodbyes when one of my next door neighbors walks out of her house and heads to her car. Normally this would be not be unusual and not very blog worthy, except for one thing.

Close your eyes with me and imagine a cute little cat, about a year old meowing gently. You hear it? Good. Ok now imagine taking your loving hand, gently wrapping your hand around that cats throat and squeezing. Are those meows getting louder? Are they getting longer? They are?! Great because as you are imagining that sound, you are hearing exactly what was coming out of that womans mouth. The sound of a cat being strangled as she is walking down the driveway to her car crying.

And what's even more unfortunate, is that my friend and I could not contain ourselves, and started laughing.... Until the cops came...


Anonymous said...

That's not very nice!

dc_speaks said...

i really like cats. i didnt need to imagine that sound, dude.


why would that woman sound like that?

me said...

what was wrong with her??

Infamous JP said...

@ Maria,
I know, but still funny

@ DC and Kitten,
we never found out. The cops kinda made it impossible for us to find out. I wanna say some one got thrown out cause there was furniture and other stuff on the curb the next day.

The Ambiguous Blob said...

was she crying or singing? I'd throw a bitch out too if she sang that badly.

Anonymous said...

Good lord! At least you didn't have to hear that racket outside your window in the middle of the night. Then again, you could have tried to quiet her down by throwing things at her.

Infamous JP said...

@ TAB,

I hope she wasn't singing. That would be cause for justifiable homicide if she sang that bad.

@ Catherinette,

If the cops would of left, that bitch would of gotten my shoe across her head to shut her up. Once again, the racket out of her mouth = justifiable homicide.

Anonymous said...

OH! the poor chook. have you found out what happened?

My son cries like that. (The middle one) It's highly annoying to say the least.
I can't even get to him to help him unless he STOPS WITH THAT NOISE!

Anonymous said...


Well I take it from your comments that you all never really found out what happened. Oh well.

And to leave her out there wailing until the cops came was not right.....but it was funny.

LOL! Those are the breaks.

Anonymous said...

so... I should have been the first to leave a comment, but as usual, I suck at checking ur blog b/c its not on myspace ((2nd home hello?))

I have replayed it over and over in my mind and I decided she was crying "why"... cuz that's what i would cry if i got kicked out of my hot girlfriend's house