Friday, November 16, 2007

A return of the White Trash Award of the Week

Plus a kickball update too...This time they are actually mashed together in one big um mashed up ball.

First the kickball update.

As many of you know, my kickball team made it into the playoffs and had our first tournament game Wednesday night. While we did make some good plays in the field, we also let our heads get out of the game a little and ended up losing 4-2.

It was a really good season and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I plan on playing again in the spring.

But onto to what everyone wants to hear about....


In our last inning with a chance to get closer in the game, AG (a female on the team) came up to kick. There was a runner on base and she was determined to score him. On the 3rd or 4th pitch, she kicked a foul ball that was awfully close to being called a double kick, but was not (a double kick is when you kick the ball and it bounces in a way that it hits you before it travels very far). Obviously the team on the other side wanted the call and started yelling about it. One of their players had been called out on a double kick earlier in the game and decide she would say something. Her words were along the lines of:

"That's a double kick. How can you call me out and not call her out. Hell I'm prettier than her she is, she should be out."
Effing Bitch. I'm surprised AG didn't attack the girl right there. She was definitely pissed about it that is for sure. I think it took everything in her to not pull the girls obviously bleached hair from the roots.

You Miss Bleach Blonde bitch are this week's WHITE TRASH OF THE WEEK.


Anonymous said...

HA! It's official...I am coming to see you play in the spring, just to see the fights! =)

Miss me while I am gone!

Anonymous said...

those sort of girls do NUTHIN for the sisterhood.

me said...

what a bitch-face!

The Ambiguous Blob said...

when do I get to be white trash girl of the week?
Pick me! pick me!