Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Vacation at the Office.

While the boss is away....
This is going to be one interesting week. I get to have sort of a mini vacation this week with out taking off of work and with out going anywhere. It is going to be relaxing, fun and it will be worth it. How did that happen you ask? Well... the president and vice president of the company got the privilege of taking a trip outside of the United States for a job. This means that unlike any other time that they are out of the office, it would be an extraordinary chore for them to call into the office and ruin the fun that we are having. So that means, that instead of hustling and bustling to get things done, I can chill and slow down a little. I can also goof off a little more...

Update on me...

Yesterday someone corrected me about something... I did not suck at marriage, but rather I just was a victim.


Anonymous said...

It was not a marriage it was a threesome you, her and your pastor that right there WRONG no wonder you were a victim. But DO NOT where that "V" as a way of identifying yourself you live and learn now move on and refuse to be a victim any longer!

Anonymous said...

You are more than welome, love!!!