Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I'm such a dork

Sip. Step. Step. Sip. Step. Step. Sip. Step. Step.

Yesterday, I did one of my spontaneous actions that got a slight laugh out of my co-workers.

I had just made a cup of JP Mocha (hot chocolate and coffee) and was walking towards my desk. Since I filled the cup to the brim, and I didn't want it spilling. I would take 2 steps, stop, and then take a sip. I then followed with 2 more steps, stopping, and taking a sip. I did this whole routine through 6 sips.

After my 2 sip, I just so happened to walk past a co-workers desk and he was noticing my routine. This is the conversation that followed.

Co-Worker: That coffee must be amazing! You can't go 2 steps without taking a sip.

No: Actually, the coffee is ok. I just wanted to show you that I have My Drink N My Two Step. Now I'm gonna go home, get the Patron, and tell em it's on.

Gawd, I can be such a dork sometimes......

Listening to: Cassidy - My Drink N' My 2 Step
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

And here I thought, there could only be 1 dork in our relationship...Guess you proved me wrong! =)

Anonymous said...

TAGGED! Go read my post!

Miss Snarky Pants said...

Nope...I wouldn't say you were a dork @ all. Actually, that was quite funny!!

The Ambiguous Blob said...

yes. yes, you can.