Thursday, October 18, 2007

We are the Rockies of the Kickball world.

You other teams watch out!!

That's right you guessed it... once again we were victorious in the wonderful world of kickball.

  • I wish we could say we played a great game.... We didn't.
  • I wish I could say that the other team sucked.... They didn't
  • I would like to say that we would be able to beat the team that played time and time again.... We probably would lose more times than not.
  • I would LOVE to say we beat them by playing sound fundamental kickball (that doesn't sound right saying it).... but the truth is, I can honestly say that I gave it my all.
So you want to know how we won? They were one female short. Yes I said it. We won on a technicality. But hey a win is a win so we'll take it.

So after last night, we are officially 5-3 and moving up in the rankings.

Go 5th Graders!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A win is a win is a matter what :)