Friday, October 19, 2007

How Lame Am I?

Decide for yourself.

I got tagged to do this survey.
There are rules: I cannot repeat anything the other survey taker said and I have to list "5 things that I do, did or like that I’m proud of, but that others may think are totally lame". Plus, I get to tag 5 people to do the same.

  1. I Love Spanish olives with the pimento in the center. I've bought a large jar at the grocery store before and over the next week/ten days, eaten every single one, one by one, straight out of the jar.
  2. I was on the tennis team and swim team in high school. In my junior, if I hadn't talked to the athletic director of the high school, there would not of been a tennis team at all.
  3. I have complete conversations in my sleep with myself. When I was younger, my friends mom thought there were 2 other people in the room because I changed voices while I was talking to portray different characters.
  4. Before the age of 28, the only liquor to ever touch my lips was Peppermint Schnapps and that was only once when I was 10.
  5. I have a logo that I used to use when I was heavily into art. Someday soon, I am going to get that logo tattooed on my left arm somewhere. I have even thought about getting it trademarked.

I hereby tag: Imogen's Mom, DC, Nic, Charmed, Kitten


Anonymous said...

I just want you to know that I will do your tag thing, but I am not happy about it...And I will NOT tag anyone, cause you took my 2 favorite bloggers! PUNK!

The Ambiguous Blob said...

how old are you now?!?!?
28 before you drank???
I'm appalled. And now I realize why you wouldn't let me get you wasted.

Anonymous said...

I will give you number 4 because not drinking until you were 28 is a crime in some countries ;)
but the tattoo of a logo on your arm - I see that as a big tick in the box for cool!

Infamous JP said...


I'm so not sorry!


I am 30 now and I didn't let you get me wasted, not because I am still new to it, but I didn't want you to see drunk John coming out and hitting on you. I don't know if it is a pretty site.

me said...

hey wilks! i will do the tag soon!

what's your logo??? i must know!