Thursday, October 04, 2007

OOH Yeah!!!

Winning Streak Baby!!!

My kickball team is on a roll. Last night, we once again came up victorious, beating one of the better teams in the league, 3-2. It was a great game, and I played much better defensively. That makes 2 in a row baby and we are now 3-3 and are coming together. Monday's email tirade really gelled us and we came to the field feeling like an actual team.

My stats include 1 hit and got to 3rd. Unfortunately I did not score. Defensively, I was able to actually catch the one ball that came my way this time and not have it bounce off of my face.

Afterwards, the streak kept rolling as we excelled at flip cup and won 6-2 against the same team.

It's a shame we only play once a week.


Anonymous said...

You look cute(er) with glasses.

dc_speaks said...

congrats dude! keep winning.

Go Team GO!


Anonymous said...

Kick ball is good times, but I haven't played in about 100 years. That's so cool that you guys actually have a team and that you have other teams to play.

me said...

your team sounds fun. glasses do suit you... :)