Friday, July 27, 2007

I was Tagged

I am doing this, yet I don't know why...

TAG! The rules are: Once you have been tagged, you write a blog with ten, weird, random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end you choose 10 people to be tagged, list their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You are tagged" and tell them to read your latest blog.

  1. I shave only once a week (on Sundays) simply because I like to have the scruff look on Fridays and Saturdays.
  2. I’m older than one of my uncle’s. How scary is that.
  3. I once brought 4 can of green beans with me on a trip to Jamaica and ate all of them right out of the can.
  4. I have had my bed for 5 years now and have only slept on it for a year.
  5. I was married for 15 months. She was married for 4.
  6. I refuse to ever go through a McDonalds drive through again. They always take too long and never get it right. Hell I don’t know why I even still eat there.
  7. I have deleted my MySpace page 3 times. I have decided I will not make it 5.
  8. Tequila is my friend, Vodka is my frienemy, and I think water hates me.
  9. I order 2 things when I go to restaurants. Steak or Hamburgers. I will get one or the other in some fashion or another.
  10. I bob my head when I am making a joke (TY Maria)
As for who's next...
  1. Maria, because I want to see if there is something I don’t know.
  2. Jackie, there has got to be something she hasn’t told me yet.
  3. Sarah G, because I read her blog all the time, bout time she read mine.
  4. Dezi, maybe it’ll give her something to do.
  5. Sierra, cause I know she has no time on her hand to do this.
  6. Sarah W., she gets real bored sometimes and she may actually do this.
  7. Casey, She’s got to have something to do cause work always sucks
  8. Whitney, she thinks she so smart, I don’t think she can come up with 10 things.
  9. Amanda, it’s been so long since I’ve seen her. Somethings have got to have changed since she was playing with barbies in her bedroom
  10. Paul cause I have to get at least one guy to do this.

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