Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Seriously Guys It's just a game.

I'm still pretty busy over here, but I'll try better I promise.

Last night my mens softball team won again. We are now 11-1, with 2 more games to play and we've already clinched the division title. I expect to see some players rested and everybody getting some substantial time in the field in our next game. There was a incident however last night that kind made the game a little less than fun.

In the first game, one of our players was on his way to base and everyone knew he was going to be tagged out. Unfortunately, when he was running he slipped, and he got tagged in the face unintentionally. He knew, the guy that tagged him knew it, our team knew it, the other team knew it. Well except for their teams pitcher. After the play, he decided that it would be best to yell at the guy that tagged our runner for dirty play. What followed was a 10 minute argument that we were afraid was about to come to blows. Words were exchanged, names were called and language was used. And for the next hour these two men were pissed and could not be near each other.

And what is worse? IT IS A CHURCH LEAGUE. We pray (moment of silence for some) before and after the game and they still acted like this.

Good going guys. Way to be an example. Especially with kids right there watching.

1 comment:

Lailani Ali said...

Here's how I would pray before each game, were I you... Dear God, (is that how you do it???) please don't let me get hit in the head- either the one up here or the one down there. thanks and amen. Roger, Over.