Monday, June 02, 2008

What does it say about you?...

When you are driving a convertible Porsche and you are sucking your thumb?

And I'm not talking the maybe you are biting your nails or pricked your thumb type of sucking. I'm talking mouth filling, like you are sucking on (use your imagination here) type of sucking.


Anonymous said...

It says that you are driving a convertible Porsche and sucking your thumb! DUH!

The Ambiguous Blob said...

it says that you have issues. biguns.

Anonymous said...

check this out...

Ginormous Boobs said...

It says that you are skilled in the fine art of douchebaggery.

the princess said...

mama's boy is what that means. how unattractive to say the least

Bob Dobalina said...


dc_speaks said...

i'm not sure, ive never been a thumb sucker. lOl