Tuesday, April 08, 2008

I'm falling...

Was it just a dream?

We have all had those dreams before. While in a deep deep sleep, you find yourself falling. What happens if you land in that dream do you die or is it just a dream? Does your dream mean something? Those questions will always be asked and I find myself asking myself one of those questions today.

Yesterday, while laying in bed due to a sore throat, a fever and muscle cramps all over my body, I had a dream. There I was just walking when all of a sudden a rolling pin gets under my foot and I begin to fall. Before I could land, I woke up. However, my mind still had that falling feeling and when I put my hands down to brace myself, I ended up throwing myself out of my bed onto my floor. I think that my have hurt myself worse.


Ginormous Boobs said...

I knew you were dangerous in bed, but I always thought it was in relation to other people. Looks like you're just as rough on your own damn self.

Anonymous said...

HA! I wish I coulda seen that!

The Ambiguous Blob said...

As long as you don't pee yourself in your sleep, nothing in your dreams can actually hurt you. And the pee will just hurt your pride and stain your mattress.

PinkPiddyPaws said...

Oh yeah.... mine usually come in the form of a full body jerk/twitch. Which not only scares the bejeebers out of ME but also scares the crap out of the person who might happen to be sleeping next to me. ha..ha...

at least I don't scream..I guess that's a plus. :)

Anonymous said...

Just so you know, those are all symptoms of the clap.

PinkPiddyPaws said...

Ooo..OOO!!! My ex-husband once pee'd the bed in his sleep!!! Oh wait.. I promised him I'd never tell anyone that.. Oppps.. my bad. heh..heh..heh..

Infamous JP said...

GB - I'm dangerous every where. You better just watch your ass or your boobs...

Maria - Sorry I took the cam down after seen my last sexy fun time video.

TAB - trust me, the only type of fluids hitting my bed or sheets, have nothing to do with pee.

Piddy - I usually get a twitch right about the time I fall asleep that wakes me up before I fall back asleep again. now... lets see if you can scare me sometime....

CS - What did you give me?!

Ginormous Boobs said...

Uh, I need to watch out for hangnails...OUCH