Tuesday, July 08, 2008

My Poor Baby!!!!

The July 4th weekend is usually filled with fun, friends, booze, and of course fireworks. But for some unlucky individuals it is also filled with car accidents, busted fenders, and curbside vomit. Such was the case for me this weekend.

It started of innocently enough. Dodgeball at 7pm, shower at 830, and then off to party at 930.

Then all of a sudden, the laughter and fun changed changed as at around 5 in the morning, I started sneezing. I'll let the following pictures give you an idea of what happened next....

Luckily for me and the other party involved, no one was hurt. Hell even when the police officer showed up, he didn't have a real reason to file a report (that or he was just really lazy and didn't feel like dealing with it).

*UPDATE* I'm so glad I have full coverage on my car. The total amount of work that is going to be done is going to cost $2100 (I have a $500 dollar deductible).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See what happens when you don't see me.

BTW, I'll be your taxi driver! =)