Monday, January 07, 2008

Cabin Fever

I think I started my life in reverse.

It wasn't that long ago (about 2-3 years) that I used to love relaxing at home on the weekend and was perfectly content with that. The thought of going someplace was always nice, but nothing could really get me to walk out the door of my house/apartment. It's been that way for most of my life.

When I was a kid, my weekends were spent in the back yard with friends coming over. As I got older, I would only leave the comfort of my home to go to church on Sundays. Even when I moved out for the first time, I would very rarely venture out of the house just for the hell of it.

NOW it is completely different. I loathe staying at home with nothing to do. I've got to do something eventually. Even during the week, when I should be sleeping so I can make it to work on time the next day, I find myself craving some fun. I need to be out, hanging with friends, drinking, or just doing something.

In the past 2 weeks, I have made spontaneous trips out of town for a day. I have tried inviting people come join me to watch a football game at a sports bar. I am even seriously contemplating an impromptu invitation to Vegas in 2 weeks.

Am I getting younger or am I still trying to make up for being the oldest 20 year old there is? You decide.

Listening to: Gorillaz - Demon Days
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

I tried to get to come to dinner with Aly and I last night...PUNK! And you didn't answer your phone! We enjoyed dessert without you, though.

The Ambiguous Blob said... are you coming to Vegas or what?

Infamous JP said...

@ TAB,

I'm still looking at it. I have make sure I can get a leave from work first. I'll find that out tonight or tomorrow and then I'll have an answer for you. It should be a yes.